Wednesday, February 1, 2012


After weeks of a warm winter, now the real cold is coming. Tomorrow night it will be minus 10 degrees celcius. It is strange, a few weeks ago when it still was 10 degrees above zero, people were dressed in their wintercoats, wearing hats and scarves. I just wonder what they are wearing today? Their skiing outfits? A fleece suit with two extra coats? Lol, just wondering. Tomorrow I will be looking to see for myself!

I am longing to go out again, it has been a while. In a few weeks it is carnaval. Not at all like the tropical version. In the south they will be all dressed up, drinking and making these big cars decorates with figurines and buildings all connected by one theme. Usually there are some cars critisizing politics or events in the news. I am sure to keep you informed.. here is an impression of what I mean.

I am really looking forward to this!