Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hello my diary,

Tuesday was the last day of the kermis and boy was it. It has been exceptional to have good weather during kermis because normally it always rains. This year we had plenty of sun so that was really pleasant. Tuesday was the last day the kermis was in our town so we went to see it once more.

All of a sudden people started closing up. I asked what was the matter, they told me a storm was coming. A few minutes later police came to close all the remaining attractions and told us to go home because the kermis was closed early. Once I was home, the wind began raging. And indeed there was a storm. Several trees were ripped out. The firedepartment cruised the streets looking for floods. The south of the netherlands was hit the most severe ans floodding, fires and trees falling were the result.

Monday, June 27, 2011

booze,old friends and police incident

We went to the fair with friends and got into a cafe and drank and chatted. After a several drinks we walked about the fair and took some rides, it was great fun. After spending some time at the fair we returned to the cafe and had some drinks. It was really great, met with some old friends and all just chatting away about good old times.

When the cafe closed, some of us wanted something to eat and so we went to a shoarma place. After eating we chatted some more in front of the establishment and then wanted to go home. Some of us were really drunk and maybe were chatting too loud (read: they were yelling). However nobody was offended and it was all good hunour.

After a while a policecar stopped. The guys that were drunk just chatted with the officers and the officers asked us to go home, so we went on our way.

A few other guys just exiting the cafe saw the officers and went crazy. They started yelling at them and were really aggresive. The officers were really pissed and wanted to take them to the precinct. However the guys turned and ran out of there. The cops chased them and one of them fell.

The guys were stopped by some of my friends, they held them till the cops came. The cops thanked them and told them not to do that ever again because of the dangerousness of such actions!

All high on adrenaline we finally went home and returned of a succesfull and pleasant evening with an exciting end.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Beer, other booze, music and spinning, too much of a good thing?

Here I am, back from the fair. And boy did I see stuff.

Two guys had been drinking all evening and just before the fair closed, they decided to go on the octopus (a giant carrousel with arms, attached on those arms are carts, these arms jump up and down).

Well you can imagine what happend?

They went in and when the attraction had just about started jumping, one of them turned as white as a sheet. I punched my friend to watch him and.. within 10 seconds he threw up. His friend sitting in the same cart got hit by his vomit and turned yelowish and also started throwing up. The attraction stopped and they got thugged out. The people working at the attraction cleaned the mess up and went up again.

Off course our brave couple was not on it. They were standing aside, white as a sheet both of them. They did not return to the bar, guess they went home. Their wifes were standing an saw the whole thing and were making fun of them, "We warned you!". That's all they said even when they all walked away.

Lol, it was too funny. I had a great time at the fair. Not only the drunks were funny, I just wonder do they even now they are an attraction when they misbehave like this? Well the rides were great, especially when sober. Played some games, shot a sharks'teeth and had a whole lot of fun. Went in one ride and got nautious, so I just took it a bit easy from there but it was great.

When we went home, we saw a couple on a bench. He claerly drank too much and told her how much he loved her (wonder if he even remembers tomorrow?). She looked so happy, aaw hope he will remember.

Tomorrow another day of 'kermis' and I just can't wait!

Fair/carnival liquor and attractions?!

Today the kermis starts, its some sort of fair with foodstands, games and attractions. The whole town will go the center and pour themselves full of liquor and go in rides. You could imagine what mess that will give. People drinking, throwing up, next to a couple eating... Well it is always great fun and enjoy it every year. The organisation has managed to put even more attractions per square meter and the town is full. If something happens during the kermis we are all No firetruck or ambulance could even come to you if its needed. Wonder why they don't keep that in mind.
Well tonight is the 'Grand' opening with fireworks and on sunday there will be some figures from sesamystreet. Sunday is hell at the kermis. Every parent, grandparents and all working people, including all their kids, will go to the kermis and 'enjoy' this festivity. You could imagine it is so crowded if a passerby would fart you could feel the tremble in your limbs.

Well I am off in a minute to enjoy this great attraction and will keep you posted on the vomitting, fights, lovedeclarations and off course all that comes to mind. Have a good evening and so far...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

right, my first blog is a fact

Well, not my first blog.. At the about me page is the real first part but could not get this blog running so put some remarks there, now I cannot paste those remarks here. That is why I just leave them were they are. Oke just managed to paste the first blog so this one is in fact my second but heej who is counting?

How I resolved the issue with the keeps loading, you ask? Just changed the editor to old style (did not know there even was a new style) and it works.

Well this blog is about me. Duh! A girl / woman (I prefer girl) of 31, starting up a website. No knowledge of html or ever even created a website but heej why can't I do this? With a little help of my best friend Google I should come to a website, I guess. Furthermore I guess I would be putting down a whole lot of other mumbo jumbo about my (really not that) interesting life and the (not so) exciting things I endure during the day.

I hope you will enjoy my so called diary of a noob and be sure to visit me every once and a while.

In may I went to Italy And I just wanted to share this beautiful picture that I made in Switserland when I was in the car..

Newbie, blog trouble

Okay, just seem a bit of a newbie. And trust me I am. No blogging done until now but just had the feeling my words had to be put somewhere. I am just touching and feeling a bit, to see what and how this al works. Was trying for several days to put a blog down but the screen to type in would not stop loading and therefore it was impossible for me to type anything.

Well been busy with my website, for women.. It is a site regarding friendship and as said is still under construction but feel free to have a look:

If there is need for english speaking girls to find friends, let me know with the contactform and things can be adjusted.

23 June 2011

Ok I thought this was going to be a story about me making a website, but so far it is a story about me blogging for the first time. And still I have not achieved writing my blog in the Blog screen but I am stil in the page screen writing my blog. I have asked questions but did not receive an answer. This is really frustrating. It is not really a big deal for me but when a reader opens my blog it just seems an empty page that is the frustrating thing. If you write, you would want it to be read. So now I am writing for me alone because my guess is nobody checks out the about me page. Well, gonna go look if someone replied to my question yet..
Well this was it for now, will try to put my blog down again, wondering what the problem is...

One minute later...

Okay I am a real noob-blogger. I just made my blog (this is it right?) and did not even realise it.. Will crawl under my cushion and be ashamed, very ashamed. Good day you all!

Another minute later..

No noob, this is the about me page I added, just cannot seem to write the blog because it keeps loading. Will come back to start writing..