Friday, October 19, 2012

Pirate Bay being blocked results?

It has been a while that the site Pirate Bay has been blocked. Off course whizz kids can come up with several solutions to avoid this but that aside. Today it has been announced that although the site has been blocked, the downloading has not really decreased. The only decrease is seen in music downloads.

What is next is what I wonder. Make it illegal to smoke or drink, because that is not healthy? Make it illegal to google weed, because it is forbidden in your country? Don't you think it should be a humans own choice to risk it, to do something illegal and face the fact that they might be caught? The organisation that controls the downloading issues is so powerfull they can force webproviders to block a website, in the Netherlands, really? The country where Weed is a grey arrea, it can be bought but it can not be grown. In the Netherlands where hookers are a profession.. It seems impossible to me that this organisation has this power, I wonder what is next!?!