Friday, March 30, 2012

Banga, banga-banga list, 'easy' Dutch are listed

News has come that there are lists circulating on the internet about the Dutch girls. The Banga list or banga-banga list contains names of girls that are easy. It is known fact that if a girl is easy it is a matter of time and all boys in their neighbourhood know. It was like that even in the old days.

Now with internet it is however a whole other cup a tea. It is forbidden by law to slander ones name and state someone is easy to get in bed. This is no joke. A girl commited suicide when she found out she was listed on a banga list.

Please guys do not use such lists, would you like it if the girls would keep lists of 'the smallest in town', or 'the fastest in town' and put it on the net? I would guess not.

People have some dignity and respect eachother!