Sunday, July 3, 2011

Well just short.. the juicy part is yet to follow.

Today I was surfing to look for referrals and hints and tips to get more. Well I was just learning stuff every second. Affiliate marketing, referral programs?? My gosh, did not even know they existed.

Looking back I was not really brought up using computers but learned real quick, when we finally had one. We did not have internet at home until 2 years ago. Did some surfing though, at the library or at work but not as much as nowadays.

This must be really boring to read, but I am just curious. Do you have a method to get your referrals?

further with my diary. Tomorrow an apointment with a doc. Regarding my health. Hoping nothing to worry about but I guess it will be ok.

After the appointment, seeing an old friend. We are having drinks in Eindhoven, the city were she and I both went to school (not together) and both have good memory's about. Hoping there is some people because usually it is quiet on mondays, but heey we will start our own party!

Oh yeah, should have put the juicy stuff here.. it will follow. Got to have more time to write THAT all down.

cu soon