Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The yaya sisterhood of do it yourself in your home!

Today I helped my sister with her new home. Since our parents died a while back, we are more depending on eachother. This becomes very clear when it is time to do some renovations in your home. Normally we would ask our father to help or do it for us but since he is not here anymore we just do it ourselves.. Wait, don't laugh! We are pretty good at it. We just placed a floor in her home, no problem! Underflooring and the wooden boards, piece of cake.

I would say I am better at many jobs such as this as any man. This is because my father always showed us how to do stuff and we are well a little stubborn and we will try anything ourselves before asking someone else (a man) to do it for us ;)

This al resulted in two very clever girls that can handle any job in our home, Tim the toolman Taylor would be very proud of us as well as our dad off course!