Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sorry is not always an option

As time goes by, I come to realise I miss my parents more and more. There were many problems in the past and we never resolved them. Today I face the consequences this brings. When we were young and there were problems they resolved them by hitting us. So when I had a problem or my siblings, we resolved them by hitting eachother. Yesterday I realised that due to this upbringing I never learned how to resolve these situations. Off course I dont hit people, so I just keep it all to myself, which is very unhealthy. I have to start learning how to deal with issues in a sane, normal way, no hitting, no name calling... My guess is this will not be easy...

So when I say I miss my parents it is because being without parents is tough, I did not call anybody mum for 8 years and have not called anybody dad in 5... There is no time to resolve our issues, because they are gone, they cannot tell me they are sorry for the past. So please when you have had a fight or some unresolved issues with people that are dear to you, please take the time NOW to deal with it since tomorrow is not always an option

Soooo this was kind of sentimental, but heey life is not a party all the time, though I try to make it one!