Thursday, July 7, 2011

Well this making money on internet is not really as easy as it sounds. Been surfing for hours and read like a million words al sounding like gibberish to me. Traffic, referral, Now I know what these things mean but really it is not easy to learn about it. When I tell my friend about referrals and adsense, he just looks at me like he sees water burning. He does not know what I am talking about. None of my friends do. Well every group of friends must have a noob among them, or dont they?

My girlfriend, Suus, the one hooking up with her boss. Has found a new job. She will be working there by the end of the month. I am wondering if Suus is going to have a farewell party. A farewell part at her old job, with two invites I must ad. By the look of things, they probably will. I hope she will tell me all about it, so I can put it down here, just for the fun of it. Lol!

Today I went to Eindhoven with some other friends and we went to have drinks. This was amusing. Little boys came to us, and started flirting. Lol! Well we look young but we are not.

"How old do you think I am?", I asked Ron. One of the boys. "You must be around 23, definately not over 25". I almost pissed myself. "How cute", I told him. He told me he was 19 and liked the 'older women'. When I told him I was 31 he turned white as a sheet but then he looked even more eager and started getting more drinks. Well, I kindly told him that he was definately too young for my taste. I really like more mature boys and he... well.. he did not even have a beard growing yet. The rest I will tell tomorrow. Why tomorrow? Because my guess is, tomorrow will be so boring that I probably can safe todays good stories for tomorrow!