Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fair/carnival liquor and attractions?!

Today the kermis starts, its some sort of fair with foodstands, games and attractions. The whole town will go the center and pour themselves full of liquor and go in rides. You could imagine what mess that will give. People drinking, throwing up, next to a couple eating... Well it is always great fun and enjoy it every year. The organisation has managed to put even more attractions per square meter and the town is full. If something happens during the kermis we are all No firetruck or ambulance could even come to you if its needed. Wonder why they don't keep that in mind.
Well tonight is the 'Grand' opening with fireworks and on sunday there will be some figures from sesamystreet. Sunday is hell at the kermis. Every parent, grandparents and all working people, including all their kids, will go to the kermis and 'enjoy' this festivity. You could imagine it is so crowded if a passerby would fart you could feel the tremble in your limbs.

Well I am off in a minute to enjoy this great attraction and will keep you posted on the vomitting, fights, lovedeclarations and off course all that comes to mind. Have a good evening and so far...